PinnedDecember Twenty Third in “Summer Triangle”December twenty third in my novel- Summer Triangle:Dec 23, 2019Dec 23, 2019
PinnedA Day in a JourneyCue Baker Street. The ear worm tells me to write about my twenties. You see, I guess I always carried the dream of being a writer. I loved…Jan 7, 2024Jan 7, 2024
Blown AwayMiss pulled up the street, checking the number. Yes, that was the driveway. She parked next to it, as cars sat in the driveway; she didn’t…Feb 24Feb 24
We Pretend to Dance This Side of HeavenJacqueline stretched her leg out and gracefully crossed it over the other in her saucer chair. She waited between classes, as she nibbled…Feb 17Feb 17
Widow’s MiteShe prayed to ADONAI, “Bless this mite. My last. I can’t get anything with it, so it might as well be Yours.”Feb 9Feb 9
A SongSnow swirled and sometimes fell gently, dark out and kind of dim in the bar. Miss came to hear a fellow employee sing. Christmas over, but…Jan 22Jan 22
Climb- Word Picture for 2025 RevealI read Psalm 148 this morning. Verse one- Praisng the LORD in the heights. I thought of my plans for 2025, to climb Mt. Tammany in New…Dec 23, 2024Dec 23, 2024
Mother’s RingThe little girl stared intently at her mother’s new ring. In the spring of the year, a combination of Mother’s Day and her parents’ wedding…Dec 13, 2024Dec 13, 2024
TygerKim followed the flow of clean up after a large family dinner. Almost every plate and fork removed from the long table as the sun lowered…Dec 4, 2024Dec 4, 2024